1 /*=============================================================================
2 *
3 * (C) Copyright 2011, Michael Carlisle (mike.carlisle@thecodeking.co.uk)
4 *
5 * http://www.TheCodeKing.co.uk
6 *
7 * All rights reserved.
8 * The code and information is provided "as-is" without waranty of any kind,
9 * either expresed or implied.
10 *
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * History:
13 * 01/09/2007 Michael Carlisle Version 1.0
14 *=============================================================================
15 */
16 using System.Drawing;
17 using System.Windows.Forms;
19 namespace sage.ew.formul.ButtonTittle.Themes
20 {
21  internal class XPStyle : Styled
22  {
23  public XPStyle(Form form)
24  : base(form)
25  {
26  }
28  public override Color BackColor
29  {
30  get
31  {
32  if (base.backColor == Color.Empty)
33  {
34  base.backColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ActiveBorder);
35  }
36  return base.backColor;
37  }
38  }
40  public override Size FrameBorder
41  {
42  get
43  {
44  if (base.frameBorder == Size.Empty)
45  {
46  base.frameBorder = new Size(base.FrameBorder.Width + 2, base.FrameBorder.Height);
47  }
48  return base.frameBorder;
49  }
50  }
51  }
52 }